4th Fridays Photo Contest – February 2022 Exhibit
People’s Choice Voting
To ensure a fair contest, we ask that you vote only once.
Voting Ends: Saturday, February 26 | 8pm

Al Castellanos - Left Behind
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 20

Diana Floress - Birch Trees
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 10

Kim Suedbeck - Orchid
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 2

Skip Boyd - Life Goes On, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 2

Brad Schmitt - Smooth Sailing
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 9

Marlene Frisbie - Early Morning, Early Winter
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 10

Patty Bell - Foliate
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 8

Nicole Wailly - Soft and Smooth
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 32

Ginger Goekjian - Pipe Dreams
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 40
Nancy Merkling Photography Productions
The Dole 401 Country Club Rd Studio 104
Crystal Lake, IL 60014