4th Fridays Photo Contest – March 2021 Exhibit
People’s Choice Voting
To ensure a fair contest, we ask that you vote only once.
Voting Ended: Saturday, March 27 | 8pm

Roxane Faulkner - Corridor
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 13

Roxane Faulkner - Bee Keeper
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 12

Rosemary Edwards - Staring Contest
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 8

Lindsey Draves - Red Lips Sink Ships
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 27

Robert Dombro -Orchid - 2
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 0

Robert Dombro - Orchid - 1
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 1

Kenny Chmielewski - Chicago On Ice
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 16

Annie Champeau - Floral Detail Beauty
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 2

Kirsten Barry - The Carving Station
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 4
Nancy Merkling Photography Productions
The Dole 401 Country Club Rd Studio 104
Crystal Lake, IL 60014