4th Fridays Photo Contest – September 2021 Exhibit
People’s Choice Voting
To ensure a fair contest, we ask that you vote only once.
Voting Ends: Saturday, September 25 | 8pm

Steven Szalaj - Low Tide - Alice Cove
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 12

Adam Smith - What!!!
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 56

Al Castellanos - Bike Trik
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 9

Margie Bjorkman - Elderberries
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 1

Geno Goss - Morning Rays
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 11

Margie Bjorkman - Moonshiner
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 6

Steven Szalaj - Anchor Aweigh
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 3

John Rothlisberger - Another Night on Spider Lake
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 17

Marlene Frisbie - Just Another Icelandic Waterfall
Author: Nancy Merkling
Votes: 1
Nancy Merkling Photography Productions
The Dole 401 Country Club Rd Studio 104
Crystal Lake, IL 60014